"Allison" he brought his lips to my forehead, a gesture I would have normally found unnerving, protective, but inside I was melting
. "Allison I need you now. His face came towards mine, and with less carefulness, he slipped his tongue through my lips, and slipped his arms around me, pinning me to him at that spot, at that moment
. . My hand fell back to the bed as I took a deep, weary and well needed breath
"Allison" he brought his lips to my forehead, a gesture I would have normally found unnerving, protective, but inside I was melting
. "Allison I need you now. His face came towards mine, and with less carefulness, he slipped his tongue through my lips, and slipped his arms around me, pinning me to him at that spot, at that moment
. . My hand fell back to the bed as I took a deep, weary and well needed breath
"Allison" he brought his lips to my forehead, a gesture I would have normally found unnerving, protective, but inside I was melting
. "Allison I need you now. His face came towards mine, and with less carefulness, he slipped his tongue through my lips, and slipped his arms around me, pinning me to him at that spot, at that moment
. . My hand fell back to the bed as I took a deep, weary and well needed breath
Tattooed blond homo gets bare fucked by his hunky boyfriend